Medical Provider Financial Recovery

Every day more and more medical providers are discovering drastic losses pertaining to medical reimbursement for services. Last year alone, millions of dollars were lost due to the inability to recover such reimbursements. Whether you’re above the line or below ..when you add it all up, it is astounding. Due to legislative policies, most medical providers have been forced to close, merge or change their course of action often without the aid of an effective plan to assist in the reversal of such losses.

“The hassles of this problem are either on the horizon or currently affecting your receivables profile.”  We can assist in resolving this problem with the implementation of RWShephard Consulting: Medical Provider Financial Recovery Systems [MPFRS]. With the MPFRSyou are remanded to a worry free environment. Imagine all of your current and delinquent accounts managed by highly trained specialists who’s only focus is your successful recovery for retroactive and current billing disbursements, at the most earliest point possible. Imagine a recovery system that tracks your patients (without primitive collection methods) and recovers reimbursements years after discharge or closing of the accounts). Imagine a recovery system specifically on-line with state Medicaid and Social Security Disability Programs singularly or collectively in any state. Most importantly, imagine a recovery system that does not require additional staffing and or cost as a start–up.

“If your accounts receivables are not affected by current managed care trends, then you are sure to hear of or expect some changes in the near future.” The benefit of the MPFRS program enables a worry free accounts receivable system that is patterned to provide intense concentration on recovery. Graphical data enables the medical provider to measure positive and negative trends in an effort to get a jump-start on critical management decisions.

The uniformity of the process generates specific accounting information necessary to achieve and promote operating profit windows for some of the most complex of operations.

Because of numerous changes in the Social Security Disability and Medicaid program, the benefits of an independent recovery system focused and linked directly to your bottom line needs is considered smart and agreeable.


HOW CAN RWSHEPHARD CONSULTING BENEFIT MY BOTTOM LINE? The creation of an efficient, independent, and mechanized system directly focuses on your at risk portfolios. You are able to reevaluate staff utilization processes thereby relieving and or redirecting staff for other essential duties.

HOW DOES THE MPFRS PROGRAM EFFECTIVELY WORK? A representative specialist is assigned to your facility. A thorough and specific review of your current and delinquent accounts through admissions, social services and or accounts receivable are identified and prioritized. The representative would proceed in the analysis to:

  • Identify self-pay, co-pay accounts and or where 100% reimbursement for services are unlikely to be forthcoming.
  • Immediately apply to the medical entities and or Social Security Disability in an in-patient, out -patient or discharge status.
  • Strictly manage the applications to the various entities until successful resolution of the application.
  • Provide real-time resolution data, thereby enabling medical provider to bill for retroactive or current services provided.

HOW MUCH DOES THIS COST TO IMPLEMENT?  Very little to none, all of the forms are standard forms currently in use. There is no hiring of additional staff, payroll or insurance to consider. The Representative is paid by Social Security for his or her work. [There may be a small administrative fee for cases that require out of pocket expenses by the Rep].

HOW DO YOU TRACK PATIENTS? Patients would be encouraged or prompted to sign Medicaid, Medicare and or Social Security disability applications at the point of admissions, outpatient or at home. Those patients that are not sure of their status will be queried to insure that all applications are completed. Patients are tracked through a variety of elaborate monitoring systems to include the SSA-Death Master Index to insure that all elements of the application process are adhered to including the insured arrival of patients to all medical appointments.

“Though many inpatient/outpatient Social Workers attempt to assist in benefit identification, very few have time for or are very skilled in the follow-up mechanisms critical to the success of the recovery process. Once a patient has been discharged or no longer receives services from a medical provider, these accounts are then turned over to primitive collection agencies and methods to where little or no recovery is made.”

Due to Federal and State privacy mandates (HIPAA), all paperwork on behalf of patients are kept and managed in strict confidence.

WHAT IS YOUR RATE OF SUCCESS? With over 33 years of experience working directly with Social Security and State Medicaid agencies, we currently average an 86% success rate in getting cases approved. Because programs and paperwork are identical and or similar in most states, The DAC can handle interstate claims for their clientele.

I’M INTERESTED, HOW DO I GET STARTED? A representative would set up a time to meet you and or your management team to identify and coordinate your bottom line recovery needs. Through consensus and policy development a Medical Provider Financial Recovery System is designed for your specific needs, effectively implemented and strictly monitored.

305-760-4900 USA RWShephard Consulting Disability Assistance Center is a private company operating in the US and Canada. Its main objective is to successfully assist all citizens, medical and commercial entities with private social security disability assistance and representation.

As you may know 72% of all claimants who apply for disability benefits on their own and without representation are denied.

The success and uniqueness of the DAC centers around the direct relationship with all relevant government entities as it deliberates on behalf of the client and the specialized experience required.


Social Security Disability Claims, Canada Pension Plan , Check Cut Off, over payments and a host of disability problems. The DAC clients may never have to enter a Social Security or Service Canada Office until their cases have been approved or resolved and in most cases through the DAC automation process, would not have to enter a local SSA-CSO office at all. The DAC mandates and completes an holistic evaluation and analysis of the claimant’s issues to assure receipt of maximum benefit upon approval or favorable disposition. Upon the claimant’s approval for benefits the DAC MAY assist with the application to utility companies and various agencies that would provide secondary benefits and or services to the client. The DAC currently manages all cases from its processing center in the USA State of New Jersey. The company is composed mainly of former social security employees and state disability examiners. These professionals through organizational performance standards are involved in the accurate interpretation of all phases of disability operations on all levels of the application process in the US and Canada. The company participates in and or directs the review of all SSA – CSO applications through qualitative policy systems which functions to assist in securing favorable dispositions on behalf of the client.


The DAC offices are open and staff available Mon – Fri from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST for case review, analysis, consultation and processing.

Because many applicants are somewhat destitute at the time of application, the DAC provides counseling while their cases are pending.

The DAC may at its option also assist with the applications of emergency assistance and food stamps on behalf of the client while their disability cases are pending. The DAC possesses complete knowledge in all areas of social security disability -CPP disability and currently enjoys a 90% success average in assisting all communities nationwide.

Because errors do occur in the calculation of the claimant’s benefits i.e. the information and amount awarded to claimant under disability is only as accurate as the company who may have originally given the information ]. The DAC conducts SSA – CPP Title II investigations on behalf of the client who requests such service and or mandatory in cases where a clients amount as awarded by SSA – CPP appears to be inaccurate or too low.

Once a case has been approved by SSA – CPP the DAC monitors the well being of the claimant for a period of 2 years to assure stabilization.

The DAC clients are obtained by local, national and international advertisements, Internet capabilities, a local live television program and word of mouth.

Once contact has been established with a potential client the DAC does a complete analysis of the clients issues. The case is then assigned to a DAC representative who completes the necessary forms and files them with the social security office or Service Canada office that has jurisdiction over the claimants zip code or region. All cases are filed with the Social Security Administration or Canada Pension Plan office within a 24 hour turn around period to insure immediate consideration of emergency [Teri, PD] and protective filing mandates.

Once a case has been filed it will then be managed by a highly skilled representative until a favorable disposition has been attained. To aggressively represent clients the DAC technicians are available to answer any inquiries originating from Social Security, State Agencies, Nurse Examiners in an effort to streamline processes and to maintain strict continuity in the application course.

Why Representation Is So Important
> Claimant’s Report Frustration
> Many Claim Inadequate Help Visiting an Office
> Many Complain Of Long Lines At Offices
> Many Are Confused About Children’s Claims
> Being Denied By An Appeals Judge Is Too Risky
> 72% of all Citizens Are Denied

Important: Though The Local Social Security or CPP Office Is There To Help You, They Are Really A Neutral Entity. Clients Of  RWShephardConsulting Do Not Have to Enter A Local SSA or CPP Office Until Their Case Have Been Approved And In Some Cases Would Not Be Required To Enter A Local Office At All. Disability Assistance Center Works Internally And Behind The Scenes For Their Clients.


 RWShephardConsulting is compensated through contingency fee [No charge upfront] based services that are regulated by the Social Security Administration and approved for payment at a rate of 25% of the past due benefits or $7,200.00 which ever is less. CPP claimants fee agreements are similar. If you would like for a representative to contact you for a personal, commercial or international claim, please E-mail us at and we will contact you within 24 hours or you may Apply online on the Contact Us page. (If you are an American citizen living abroad, you may be eligible to receive benefits.)

Medicare – Medicaid – Prescription – Insurance and HMO

Social Security Disability programs are one of the most complex programs ever to be introduced. Many legal, medical and or direct care professionals are often miffed at the complexities of the program. This lack of information can have an descending impact on your company’s operating environment, programs and or profit. Specialty Dissemination to front line professionals are critical to seal any present or future leaks in your measured receivables profile RWShephard Consulting with over 30 years of successful recovery services are able to provide expert educational media and or in-service training to your group, organization and or patients. Specialty Dissemination of the educational media provided are excellent tools to enhance the knowledge of citizens, patients or tenured professionals who provide direct or in direct services, such as, but not limited to the category of venues listed below

  • Attorneys
  • Case Managers
  • Clinics
  • Homeless Shelters
  • Outpatient
  • Patient Education
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Physicians
  • Program Directors
  • Residential Programs
  • Social Workers
  • Learn how Specialty Dissemination programs for your organization hosted by Social Security Disability approval experts and other participants can benefit your bottom line.